Video Course: Alex Hormozi – Here. Sales. All of It. Enjoy

Sales Multipliers

  • Speed in sales matters.
  • Allow people to have a “Call Now” CTA.
  • Assign the best leads to the best sales people.
  • Contact people for demos one day before to increase show up rate. Tell them that you already prepared something for the call.

Sales Training

  • Train sales reps proper.
    • Do role play training, even if it can feel a bit strange.
    • In role play training, dont collect all feedback to give it at the end. Interrupt the people and give the feedback right away. This is how people learn much faster.
    • When they do it right, let them repeat a few times “Great, do it again”.
  • Connect Sales & CS with a  recurring call.
  • When you have a great sales demo, note down what made it great to reuse that.


  • “Did you hear about us from being listed as a top agency on Clutch?”.
  • Outbound sales script idea: “Hey {Business}, I want to talk to you about {Competitor}. Give me a call”.
  • If you have a lot of calls, you can jump around your office in between calls.


  • Start the call with Proof, Promise Plan: 
    • “Hey Dan, great to have you here. Excited to talk with you about how we can help your agency grow. We did that with lots of other web design agencies. I’d say you could share a bit about yourself and your specific goals for this call, then I can share about how we usually work with agencies, and then we can see how to get from there. Does that sound good? “
  • Have a sales script used by the whole sales team.
    • Consider to add notes on breaks and tones to the guide.
  • Use the CLOSER structure for sales calls.
    • Clarify Problem
    • Label the Problem
    • Overview Past Pain (The pain is the pitch) 
    • Sell the Vacation (Present the solution)
    • Explain Away Their Concerns
    • Reinforce their Decision


  • Once someone says yes, shut up and get the payment information.
  • When someone says no, that’s when the closing starts.
  • If someone is unsure, ask: “What’s your concern?”, “What would make this a yes?”, “What makes this a no?”.
  • “From 1-10, how do you feel about this deal? Why isn’t it 1? What would make this a 10?”.
  • Acknowledge, Associate, Ask.
  • Details are death traps -> Ask why they are asking. Example: How many days are you open? Answer -> How many days are you looking for? 
  • Be okay, to say you can’t answer that yet. Example: What would be the SEO strategy for me? Answer -> I can’t tell that without having a look at your site. Everyone who already provides you with a SEO strategy without a proper look at your site, just tries to sell you stuff. Buy a SEO audit today and I’ll get you a solid strategy. 
  • The salesman who asks the most times gets the most sales.
  • You should ask the questions, not the client.
  • Having no guarantee is fine in cases where you don’t have full control.
  • When potential customers ask for time to consider, it often reflects a lack of confidence in the value being offered, rather than genuine indecision. Asking customers about their alternative plans can clarify priorities and elevate the perceived value of the offer being discussed.


  • If you need more sales, do more (email more customers, do more cold calls…).
  • Connect your CRM with Slack, so that won deals can be celebrated in Slack.
  • Higher compensation rarely creates higher performance. It mainly helps with recruiting. 
  • “Don’t be cute”. -> Do the fundamentals over and over.
  • Don’t be afraid to follow up customers every 3-6 months. A no doesn’t need to stay a no forever.
  • Never change price to close a sale. Testing prices or adjusting what’s included are fine.
    • If someone wants to lower the price, offer a higher price. “Can I have a lower price?” -> We would only have higher pricing plans, so 1500 EUR instead of 1000 EUR. 
  • People like to buy stuff. They just need an excuse to buy.

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