Book Notes: Marketing Secrets Blackbook

These are my notes on the Marketing Secrets Blackbook.


  • Focus on data not opinions. Opinions are wrong most of the time.
  • As a business owner, heavily focus on Marketing, don’t outsource that. ⭐️ 
  • Your business should have a document sharing who you are and so on that is shared with everyone.
  • Live webinars are powerful selling tools.
  • Every business has cycles with ups and downs. ⭐️ 
  • Create more urgent deadlines for example through big announcements and similar.
  • Don’t fall in love with a product, fall in love with a market. ⭐️ 
  • Increase focus by limiting products. Good ideas are the enemy of great ideas.
  • You can not hire people with unsuccessful outcomes and expect to have better results. To get good results, hire people and mentors with successful outcomes. Same goes with businesses. You can orientate yourself on successful businesses.

Become an expert:

  • B players are more expensive in the long run because A players are way more productive. ⭐️ 
  • Teaching your learnings through writing articles or books will help you to understand your own learnings better. ⭐️ 

Your offers:

  • Switch between different call to actions. Focus on your strongest one, e.g. booking a call. But some people might not want to book a call. For those people offer writing an email or a recorded video. Offer different call to actions because everyone has different preferences. ⭐️


  • Close customers when they are excited: Be fast when sending your offers. Ideally even have them making their order right away in the demo call. ⭐️ 
  • Focus less on new products and more on selling your product at at more places (e.g. other markets or other channels). This is especially important for entrepreneurs because after some time they get bored selling the same product so they start creating new products. ⭐️ 
  • Upsells are not just about making more money but about offering more value.


  • Successful business men are the ones who are excited about marketing. ⭐️ 

My main learning from the book is that as a founder/business owner you should focus on Marketing and not outsource the responsibility for it. This will help you grow your business significantly.

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